by Tarique Ejaz "Sometimes some things can't be saved. You need to know what is worth saving and what is not." The Flashpoint is where it all started. It was the point in the DC chronology that fractured the entire universe and gave birth to what we fondly address as the New 52. A reboot that set the entire DC Universe back to an instance similar to a recreation with origins rewritten and characters being removed, added and revamped. Flashpoint continues to be a major milestone in DC's recreational take on the universe and a major event that is still recounted ever since being introduced by none other than Geoff Johns himself. It holds a direct relation to the occurrences of Rebirth. So let's take a tour through it before we finally hit the ground running with our take on this extensive-crossover event which took place almost a year back. WHERE HAVE WE BEEN“And in a supreme act of selfishness shattered history like a rank amateur, turned the world into a living hell moments away from destruction and *I'm* the villain?” Flash, in an attempt to save his mother, went back in time risking the entire space-time continuum to secure the life he lost due to the action of one obsessed madman. In doing so, he set a series of chain reactions that decimated and distorted the basic reality of the DC Cosmos as known to one and all. Barry had blamed himself for changing the events after it was revealed to him by Professor Zoom that his one act of love had immense repercussions. This particular event is fondly referred to as the ‘Flashpoint’. The term Paradox is often added to the classification for a very specific reason which shall be prompted in some time. The point remains that if the Flashpoint had not taken place, we would not have been able to experience the spandex-free version of DC redesigned characters and plots and the courage displayed by the company to take on the conventional characters like Green Arrow and the lesser known ones like Doctor Fate in a more considerable light. Not to mention that this was required for the company as it brought in Vertigo and Wildstorm characters into the DC continuity. Enough to just form a basic idea? Nope? We have a small video to run you through Flashpoint in a hurry. An article on it is just around the corner, I promise. |
December 2022