by Tarique Ejaz For a person who enjoys music just for the sake of enjoying it, it might not be the most technical-based article on music or an artist or an album or even a song for that matter of fact. Having said that, those who are expecting an article that comments on the beats and sound-resonance scale, audible likability and genre based insightful take on a rather popular album which has come up immensely in the last two years, be prepared for disappointment.
With that warning out of the way, let's get started!
by Luv Mehta Kung Fury is a movie written and directed by David Sandberg, funded via Kickstarter and released for free to the world. Envisioned as an ode to the 80s, it features all the gloriously great, silly, weird, epic and goofy tropes of the era you can think of.
I'm not kidding, you guys, Kung Fury is so 80s. Totally, radically 80s. (Kung Fury will be shown in the Heritage Film Festival on the 27th of April, and that's tomorrow - so come on over!) by Luv Mehta, Radhikaa Sharma, Srijon Mukherjee, Devanjali Banerjee, Amrit Paul and a Guest Writer. It's that time of year again. Game Of Thrones is returning, with more murder, more intrigue, and more magic. What sets this year apart from the rest, though, is that for the first time, the book readers are just as much in the dark as the TV series faithfuls - because from this season onward, the show-story is deviating from the book-story. With the first episode of the sixth season right around the corner, six of us speculate about what's to come next, with six questions. by Srijon Mukherjee “I’ve done my damndest to rip reader’s nerves to rags, I don’t want him satisfied”, quoted the synopsis on the back cover of John Steinbeck’s ‘Grapes Of Wrath.’ by Luv Mehta Last time, I went through Series 1 of Doctor Who, having no idea about what it would be like, and actually did quite like it. This time, we’re going to look at Series Two, David Tennant’s first series (and the one everyone tells me is the first real good NuWho season). Let’s have a look. |
December 2022